Infants - Baby Early Childhood Education at Childcare
The Nursery Program we offer in our Infants Room at Ferguson Street Childcare and Early Learning Centre, Broadford is modified regularly to cater to your baby’s patterns of growth and development. Each child in our Infants Room has their own daily activities which will enable them to grow and which will help with healthy brain development. In the Infants Room staff pay particular attention to enabling the child to develop cognitive and social skills which are age-appropriate.
Activities regularly encourage the development of physical strength, hand-eye coordination, sensory and spatial orientation.
Our environment is rich with sounds, sights and sensory experiences which encourage social and emotional interactions assisting in the development of more complex communication skills.
Infants - Baby Early Childhood Education at Childcare
The Toddlers Program operates in both Junior and Senior Toddlers Rooms at Ferguson Street Childcare and Early Learning Centre, Broadford. The program provides opportunities for the children to develop sharing and cooperation skills, language development, non-verbal communication as well as learning to develop social skills and friendships.
Toddlers develop their own unique language, maths, investigation, creative skills, fine and gross motor skills, sensory experiences as well as social and environmental understanding.
Toddlers developmental progress is monitored and regular communication is maintained with parents through conversations, and regular electronic updates.
Pre Kindergarten Early Childhood Education at Childcare 3-Year-Old Kindergarten
In our 3-year-old Kindergarten Room, children are encouraged to learn about themselves and their friends. They are encouraged to build on the knowledge and skills they already have and this creates the perfect environment for them to be ready for 4-Year-Old Kindergarten.
The programs in this room will continue to work on cultural experiences, sensory events, fine and gross motor skills development, language development, maths, creative experiences and the development of social skills as well as language.
Parent Testimonial
“Your professionalism and organisation have meant that very quickly everything is in place and ready for our child to begin and allowed my transition back to work to be a relaxed and exciting time.”